Wordy Wonderland

Surprise, it’s Sunday!

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I was a bit thrown off when Sunday arrived this week. Things have been crazy around here–and I can’t even say with what. I just go to work, come home, and then the day is done! I’d blame winter, but with the days SLOWLY getting longer, I can’t really set it all on that.

I know part of it is that I’ve been watching a lot of TV. Last week was super bad for me, so I was using TV pretty much to decompress and not think about all the things I needed to do (or else the weather was keeping me from doing things).

Except once I was feeling better, I just…kept watching TV. It was so wonderfully mindless! But if I’m watching TV, I can’t write or edit, so…

I JUST finished edits on my 1880s Western werewolf story. Part of that was because it needed serious edits, and part of that was just being a slacker. So now the month is half over and I’ve not started as much as I planned.

I have cut out TV again–or at least limited it to AFTER I’ve gotten some things done. It’s a reward rather than a thing to do when bored.

And I got word that I should be expecting my edits soon, which also means I need to fill out all the fun stuff with covers and marketing and so forth! So “Growing Strong” is moving along (although I’m not wild about the title).

Okay, that’s all I’ve got for this update!


Author: bldayhoff

A writer in the works.

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